Stirred to Wonder: How-To

The Postures and the Fruits

Throughout the next eight weeks, you will journey through a series of spiritual postures and pray for specific spiritual fruits. These postures and fruits were inspired by the resources mentioned, reflection on Sacred Scripture, and other resources, such as our favorite podcasts and books. They were chosen after much prayer and discernment. They’re not meant to be a strict program of “do this, then that,” but rather a guide to help you keep your heart and mind focused each week.

We have selected some fruits to reflect on and grow in our lives as we practice each posture, but these are by no means an exhaustive list of what God can do if we are open to Him through beauty. 

  • Week 1: Present to Beauty :: Perception

  • Week 2: Receiving Beauty :: Humility

  • Week 3: Captivated by Beauty :: Clarity

  • Week 4: Surrendering to Beauty :: Trust

  • Week 5: Embracing Beauty :: Unity

  • Week 6: Transformed by Beauty :: Devotion

  • Week 7: Resting in Beauty :: Gratitude 

  • Week 8: Enthused by Beauty :: Peace 

And through it all, we aim for an attitude of wonder.

Daily Routine

Each day, you’re invited into a rhythm of prayer and creativity to help you harmonize your body and soul, building a bridge between God as phenomenon and His reality in your lived experience.

Morning Offering

The Holy Spirit has led in the crafting of each original morning offering prayer as well as other beautiful prayers which are unique to each Spiritual Posture. Recite these prayers to orient your heart to practice the posture throughout the day. 

spiritual + creative prompt

These prompts include concepts related to the week’s posture. Working with your hands will help attune your heart to God’s presence around you. Rest assured that there is only one spiritual and creative prompt, to ensure that you can work at your own pace.

evening offering

Finish the day by reciting another original prayer, an evening offering in which you’ll thank God for His goodness, and offer to Him your successes, trials, and creative works.

Setting Up Your Space

Create a space in your home that will be your place of prayer. Clear away any clutter around the area. You might want to dim the lights, light a candle, and include a crucifix to gaze upon. You can also enter into an attitude of prayer through music. We’ve created a playlist you can enjoy and pray with throughout Stirred to Wonder. Listen here.

Decide if you’ll pray and create in the same space, or if you need a slightly different setup for your creative endeavors. We find that it’s nice (if it’s possible) to keep your sketchbook and art supplies ready and available for when you have even a few moments to create.

Considerations for Groups

If you are doing Stirred to Wonder with a small group, each woman will be following the daily routine on her own, and then when you meet with your group you can follow this suggested format:

  • Open in prayer together.

  • Share individual weekly updates. Each woman can share about her week and how her heart is doing. This is important as it allows each woman to feel truly known over time by her sisters in Christ.

  • Read the week’s Scripture passage and reflection.

  • Work through the discussion questions.

  • If you want to, everyone can bring their sketchbooks and art supplies to spend time creating together. Or you can simply share about your creative experiences that week. What’s inspired you? What have you learned?

  • Close with prayer intentions.

UP NEXT: Click here for some suggested art supplies and more tips for tapping into your creative side!

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