““May the beauty which you pass on to generations
still to come be such that it will stir them to wonder!” ”
Retreat. Create. Laugh. Experience God. Be stirred to wonder.
MAY 5-7, 2017 :: DENVER, CO
Scatter + Sow will host a Catholic creative beauty retreat for women focused on beauty, creativity, and relationship as ways in which God reveals Himself. The Hello Beauty Retreat will inspire and equip each woman to let herself be known, especially through her unique desire to create beauty. Special emphasis will be placed on the truth of beauty as the retreat aims to respond to Saint Pope John Paul II's Letter to Artists, through which he invites artists and those who create, to create for the good of the Church.
The retreat will center around three themes: Beauty Beheld, Beauty Crafted, and Beauty and the Intellect.
Women will come to understand a deeper purpose for what they make during creative workshops throughout the weekend. Workshops will include Floral Design, Watercolor Brush Lettering, Stained Glass, and Rosary Making. Retreaters will be refreshed and assured of the essential role they play as women who have a desire to seek beauty, create, and relate to others.
The retreat is open to women 18 and older. We'd love for you to join us! Registration is currently closed..